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By using this website, you accept the following terms of use.     


  1. Materials on this website are for general information only and are not intended to be legal advice for your specific problem. 

  2. Laws and courts' interpretations of those laws can change frequently. The articles provided on this website were written at a specific point in time and are not updated. Thus, you should not rely on any specific statement therein or elsewhere on this website as necessarily setting forth the current state of the law.

  3. Legal outcomes can depend upon the specific facts of each case. Thus, there can be no assurance that the information on this website is applicable to your specific situation. You always should rely on the advice of a licensed attorney who is advising you regarding the specific facts of your case over any general information that you have obtained here.

  4. You may wish to consult with Spiller Law regarding your legal problem. Nevertheless, neither sending us an email or other electronic communication nor contacting us by telephone can by itself create an attorney-client relationship between us. Rather, until we have signed a legal services agreement with you, we do not represent you and are not your legal counsel.  Any information that you receive before we have signed a legal services agreement is provided solely as a courtesy. Further, any such information may not be based upon all facts relevant to your problem.

  5. Spiller Law will protect your name and confidential information against disclosure, publication or unauthorized use to the extent permitted under the law. You should be aware that communications before you have established an attorney-client relationship may not enjoy the protection of the attorney-client privilege. The proper way to enter into an attorney-client relationship with this or any other law firm is to enter into a legal services agreement that sets forth the terms of representation.

  6. Spiller Law cannot guarantee the confidentiality of email transmissions or other electronic communications.Telephone conversations, in general, can be more private and secure than email.

  7. This website and the materials on it are not intended and shall not be construed as seeking an attorney-client relationship with anyone in any jurisdiction in which Spiller Law lawyers are not licensed to practice law and are not intended and shall not be construed as communications to anyone in any jurisdiction in which any such communications would be unlawful or otherwise actionable. Spiller Law has offices in San Francisco.  

  8. You may not reproduce, republish, transmit or distribute the materials on this website unless you have first obtained our written permission to do so.

  9. Prior results, testimonials and endorsements do not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter.


Website Responsibility

To the extent the State Bar Rules of a jurisdiction require us to designate a principal office and/or attorney responsible for this Website, Spiller Law designates its office in San Francisco, California, USA as its principal office and designates Lindsay Spiller as the attorney responsible for the Website.

We are available for consultation regarding legal matters; however, the act of sending electronic mail to this law firm or completing the contact form entry does not in itself create an attorney-client relationship. Until we have a signed retainer agreement with you, we are not your attorneys. Any information we provide before we enter into a written retainer agreement is provided solely as a courtesy, and may not be based upon all of the pertinent facts.  Before you have an agreement with our firm, or with any other firm,  the attorney-client privilege may not protect your message. The proper way to enter an attorney-client relationship with Spiller Law or any other law office is to enter into an engagement agreement. The engagement agreement should describe the matter on which the firm will provide representation and the terms of the engagement.

Because of the inherent properties of email and the Internet in general, this law firm cannot guarantee the confidentiality of email transmissions.

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